Merging JSON with Newtonsoft Json.NET
Sat May 22 2021Software Development
I had recently wanted to enrich a datasource with some preconfigured metadata. In order to this I used the Newtonsoft Json.NET library. The unit test demo below contains an example that can take a JSON string or by taking C# objects. The results should look as follows:
Publishing to Nuget from a GitHub Repository
Fri May 14 2021Software Development
Configure your .CSProj File The .csproj file you wish to target for building as a Nuget package will need the PackageId and Version properties at a minimum in order to work. See here for more details: 1) Get Nuget API Key 2) Add the key to your GitHub While at the root of your repository, go to Settings located in the top navbar then on the next page, proceed to Secrets…
Blazor (Client Side) - FileNotFoundException: Could not locate application assembly at expected location
Fri May 10 2019ProgrammingWeb Development
Just a very quick one with Preview5. I encountered this gotcha whereby the project's name in the solution explorer doesn't match that of the folder name. I'd had a change of heart on the project name but of course the folder on disk doesn't change automatically. Once I'd renamed the folder and then proceeded to fix the path in the .sln file this error went away. tl;dr project folder name and project name in the solution explorer seemingly have to match up at present
Blazor (client-side) application - CI/CD - Deploy from GitLab to Netlify
Wed May 01 2019ProgrammingWeb Development
Using GitLab to host both the source control and perform CI/CD, we will take a blazor project and build it and then proceed to deploy it on Netlify. This article presumes that you have some familiarity with the following: GitLab for source control (See here) GitLab for CI/CD (See here) Netlify CLI for deployment (See here) 1. Using the current SDK 3.0.100-preview4-011223 (See here), create a new blazor (client-side) project called 'testproj': Now create a file called .gitlab-ci.yml and add it to…
Entity Framework - Debugging a Seed method from the Package Manager Console
Fri Feb 08 2019ProgrammingWeb Development
On the odd occasion you wish to debug Seed method code which has been executed from the Package Manager Console using the Update-Database command, a quick and dirty method is to add the following code: Yes it's dirty! It will however fire up a new Visual Studio debug window and allow you to see what's going on inside. This method will also work for any code that happens to sit outside of a normal debugging scenario.
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