MOD Monday #51

Mon Aug 23 2010MOD Monday

This is technically MOD Monday’s 1st Year anniversary, seeing as though we started appropriately at #0 :)

I’ve always tried to upload the mod files that I find reflect what I personally love listening to and you’ll find me virtually playing on repeat.

However, after a whole year, finding these gems has become harder and harder. I’ve even been going through the entire MODArchive 2007 snapshot collection for the last year listening to music and I’m only up to E and while I’ve saved a little over 1,300 mod files from that massive collection so far, only a small fraction of those I want to listen to and then again, just a tiny fraction of those would I want to post.

While I’m trying to find mods to post, at this stage, some weeks, the MOD Monday posting may be somewhat deferred as a result of just not having something to post that week!

This is why I ask anybody who has a mod file they really like to tell me about it via e-mail or via comment so as to help me find some new music :)

Without further ado, this is “*cHarLeS aTLaS iS Me!!!*” by Bass System (Feborron).

 There is little information on this author, so as always I implore the original author or anybody else with information to shed light on who they are! :)

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